About Me:

I am currently an Senior Lecturer (equal to U.S Associate Professor), at the school of computer science of The University of Sydney and co-directing the JACOBI Blockchain Lab with JD vice president Prof. Jian Pei , and ISCAS vice chief engineer, Prof. Zhenfeng Zhang.

Previously, I was an assistant professor at computer science department of New Jersey Institute of Technology from 2016.8 -- 2020.1. Prior to that, I was a postdoc at Cornell University, and I was also a member of the
Initiative for Crypto-Currencies and Contracts (IC3). My host is Prof. Elaine Shi.   Before joining Cornell, I received my PhD from the University of Connecticut under the supervision of Prof. Aggelos Kiayias and Prof. Alexander Russell.

I also spent some enjoyable times visiting Prof. Thomas Ristenpart at the University of Wisconsin, Madison; Dr. Tatsuaki Okamoto at NTT research, Tokyo; and Aggelos at University of Athens, Greece. I got my master degree from the graduate university of Chinese Academy of Sciences.