
2024.7.   Our anytrust-DKG paper will appear in CCS 2024 , which enables an all-hands checkpointing for PoS with a small constant cost.
2024.6.   Won an ICDCS 24 Distinguished Paper Award.
2024.5.   Host the visit of Prof. Shaanan Cohney from U Melbourne.
2024.5.   Qiang joins NDSS25, Oakland25 PCs, please submit your good works.
2024.4.   Our Dragon paper will appear at PODC 24 , which gave the first sub-cubic DKG/Coin.
2024.4.   Chairing PKC 2024 , with two keynotes from Nadia Heninger and Aggelos Kiayias , and a surprise panel led by Daniele Micciancio .
2024.2.   Host the visit of Prof. Chunming Qiao from SUNY Buffalo.
2024.1.   Research Awards from Stellar and Ethereum Foundations.
2023.12. Qiang, Hanwen, Yuan all join CCS24 PC, please submit your good work.
2023.11. Host the visits of Prof. Steven Galbraith from U Aukland and Prof. Jintai Ding from Tsinghua U.
2023.10. Prof. Bart Preneel from KU Leuven visited our group and gave a talk on Crypto Wars.
2023.9.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at NTU SCRiPTS Center.
2023.8.   Our "Predicate Aggregate Signature" and "UE with version control" will both appear at Asiacrypt 2023!
2023.8.   Qiang joins the PC of CRYPTO 2024, please submit your good results!
2023.7.   Qiang will serve as the PC co-chair of PKC 2024 , please submit your good papers!
2023.7.   Qiang is interviewed by Ricardo Goncalves from SBS "On the Money" Show .
2023.7.   Our paper of Private Yet Compliable Cryptocurrency Exchange will appear in NDSS 24!
2023.7.   Zhenliang won the USYD Faculty of Engineering Career Advancement Award, Congratulations!
2023.6.   Our works on consensus appeared on Communication of the ACM.
2023.5.   Qiang joins USENIX Security 24 PC, please submit your good work!
2023.5.   Prof. Zhiqiang Lin from Ohio State visited our group.
2023.4.   Qiang gave an invited talk at KAUST RC3 Seminar Series on End to Same End Encryption.
2023.3.   Qiang won a DSI Research Pilot Project on RegTech.
2023.3.   Qiang will be serving as the PC of NDSS 2024 , Asiacrypt 2023. Please submit your good works!
2023.2.   Qiang got the 2023 SOAR Prize.
2023.1.   Our work of DumboMVBA was included in Consensus Canon of the world leading blockchain VC a16zcrypto.
2023.1.   Qiang joined the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC).
2023.1.   Our Verifiable Capacity Bound Function (paper, open problems) will be appearing at PKC 2023.
2023.1.   Qiang delivered an invited talk on Dumbo Family in IFIP WG10.4 83rd meeting.
2022.12. Qiang joined the PC of CCS 2023, please submit your good works!
2022.11. NTU delegate Prof. Kwok Yan Lam, Prof. Huaxiong Wang visited our group.
2022.10. We got another research award from Filecoin/Protocol Labs to support our blockchain research.
2022.10. Qiang joined the PC of WWW 2023, and ICDCS 2023 , please submit your good works!
2022.8.   Qiang delivered a keynote talk at the 19th International Conf on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST).
2022.8.   We are part of a team winning a bid to Algorand Center of Excellence .
2022.5.   Ethereum Foundation supported our research on consensus.
2022.5.   Qiang is invited to join Eurocrypt2023 PC, please submit your good work!
2022.5.   Our results of secure and usable cloud storage called ”End to Same End Encryption“ is accepted to USENIX Security 22!
2022.5.   Stellar Foundation donated another gift (the 3rd this year) to support our consensus research.
2022.4.   Two new Dumbo family members Bolt-Dumbo-Transformer and Dumbo-NG will both appear at CCS 22!
2022.4.   Qiang gave an invited talk at UK Cybersecurity and Privacy Seminar Series .
2022.4.   Two results about consensus protocols are accepted to ICDCS 22.
2022.3.   Qiang is invited to join PC of SP (Oakland) 23, Asiacrypt 22. Please submit your good work.
2022.1.   Stellar Foundation donated two gifts to support our research on consensus and privacy problems.
2021.12. Our new fast asynchronous consensus Speeding Dumbo will appear at NDSS 22.
2021.12. Qiang is invited to join PC of CCS 22, ICDCS 22, both on blockchain track. Please submit your good work.
2021.10. Filecoin/Protocol Labs donates a gift to support our research on Verifiable-capacity bound function.
2021.10. Our talk at ConsensusDay'21 organized by Protocol Labs/Filecoin about Dumbo protocols is online.
2021.8.   Our result solving a 10+ year open problem about "Robust Randomness Extractor" was accepted to TCC 21.
2021.8.   Our result "Hierarchical Integrated Signature and Encryption" was accepted to ASIACRYPT 21.
2021.8.   Our result studying delivery fairness P2P content delivery via Blockchain was accepted to ESORICS 21.
2021.8.   Qiang give an invited talk about Dumbo Protocol Family at Trust Day of KDD 2021.
2021.5.   Our work on witness authenticating NIZK proofs got into CRYPTO! Congrats Hanwen!
2021.5.   Qiang is invited to serve as PC for USENIX Security '22, PKC '22 , and Financial Crypto '22 , please submit your good works.
2021.4.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at Facebook Novi about Bolt-Dumbo-Transfomer.
2021.1.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at AtheCrypt2021 about Dumbo.
2021.1.   Qiang moved to The University of Sydney as a Senior Lecturer (U.S. Associate Professsor) from Jan 2021.
2021.1.   Dumbo protocols have been reported widely by major media in China, such as Guangming daily , and many more
2021.1.   Qiang is invited to serve as PC for ASIACRYPT 2021, please submit your good work.
2020.12. Qiang is invited to serve as PC for ICDCS 2021, blockchain track.
2020.11. Qiang delievered a keynote talk at ICDCS Workshop on Blockchain and Mobile Applications .
2020.11. Qiang is invited to serve as PC for USENIX Security 21 .
2020.11. Qiang delivered an invited talk about Dumbo protocols at Web3 Foundation.
2020.10. Qiang is invited to serve as PC for PKC 21 .
2020.10. Qiang delivered a keynote talk at China Privacy Conference 2020.
2020.8.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at KDD Workshop of Smart Data for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger.
2020.8.   Our paper about Updatable Encryption is accepted to ASIACRYPT 20 , Congrats, Long, Ya-Nan! Video
2020.7.   Our work on Asynchronous Consensus was reported in a dedicated interview by CoinDesk, China.
2020.6.   Our paper about Generic Lightclient for Permissionless Blockchain is accepted to ESORICS 20 , Congrats, Yuan!
2020.6.   Qiang is invited to serve as PC for INFOCOM 2021.
2020.5.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at IEEE HPSR '2020.
2020.5.   Qiang was awarded the YWCC Research Award.
2020.5.   Our paper of Dumbo-MVBA got accepted to PODC 2020 , Congrats Zhenliang, Yuan. Video
2020.3.   Our paper of Dumbo:Fast Asynchronous BFT Protocols got accepted to CCS 2020 , Congrats Zhenliang.
2020.2.   Our paper of practical decentralized Human Intelligent Tasks got accepted by ICDCS 2020 , Congrats, Yuan.
2020.2.   Qiang is invited to serve as PC for ASIACRYPT 2020.
2019.12. Qiang is selected to be MIT Technical Review 35 Chinese Innovators Under 35, 2019. News , Talk
2019.12. Our paper of Proof of Storage time was accepted to NDSS 2020 , Congrats, Long.
2019.10. Qiang delivered a keynote talk at China Blockchain Conference 2019. Media report 1 , 2
2019.10. Qiang is invited to serve as PC for ESORICS 2020 .
2019.10. Qiang will be serving as PC co-chair for ACM workshop SBC 2020 , please submit your good work.
2019.4.   Decentralized Cybersecurity Management project funded by Air Force Research Lab.
2019.4.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at Ripple speaker series at University of Kansas.
2019.4.   Qiang is invited to serve as PC for Infocom 2020.
2019.3.   Qiang won a Google Faculty Award.
2019.2.   Qiang is invited to serve as an NSF panelist.
2019.2.   Qiang is invited to serve as PC co-chair for AsiaCCS-SCC 2019 , please submit your good work.
2019.1.   Qiang is invited to serve as PC for ESORICS 2019 , please submit your good work.
2019.1.   Qiang is invited to speak at BlochaingeDC, 2019. Highlights
2018.12. Qiang is invited to serve as PC for Asiacrypt 2019 , please submit your good work.
2018.12. Our paper about cliptographic signatures was accepted to PKC 2019.
2018.12. Qiang is interviewed for Blockchain developments .
2018.11. Qiang is invited to give a talk at the 2018 China Blockchain Conference .
2018.11. Qiang is invited to moderate a panel at the Westlake forum .
2018.10. Qiang is invited to give a talk at the CNCC Blockchain Forum .
2018.8.   Protocol Labs donated a gift to fund our work supporting Filecoin.
2018.8.   Our project on subversion resistant cryptography is funded by NSF SaTC medium grant.
2018.8.   Qiang is invited to speak at a private workshop on Encryption, Surveillance, and Transparency .
2018.8.   Qiang is invited as expert reviewer for Eminence Fund of University of British Columbia.
2018.7.   Qiang is invited as expert reviewer for The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
2018.7.   Qiang is invited to serve on PC of PKC '19
2018.6.   Our paper about accountability in attribute based encryption is accepted to ESORICS 2018.
2018.6.   Qiang is invited to give a lecture about blockchain at Mediterranean Shipping Company. Inc.
2018.4.   Our paper about correcting a subverted hash function is accepted to Crypto 2018.
2018.4.   Qiang is invited to speak to the State Congress on blockchain technology for the state of New Jersey.
2018.4.   Qiang is invited to serve on PC of INFOCOM 2019
2018.4.   Qiang host the visit of Dr. Ian Miers to talk about Cryptocurrency and Anonimity.
2018.3.   Our Blockchain application paper was accepted to ICDCS 2018, Congratulations Yuan !
2018.3.   Qiang host the visit of Dr. Tatsuaki Okamoto.
2018.2.   Qiang is invited as expert reviewer for Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.
2018.1.   Qiang is invited to serve on PC of Asiacrypt 2018, please submit your good works.
2018.1.   Qiang is invited to be a panelist in MSQ Ventures 2018 US Blockchain Innovation Event - NYC.
2017.11. Our paper about achieving function privacy in public key functional encryption was accepted to PKC '18.
2017.11. Particl Foundation donated a gift to support Qiang's blockchain research.
2017.10. Qiang was interviewed by WallStreet Journal to comment on Krack Attack.
2017.10. Qiang was hosting Cybersecurity Distinguished Lecture delivered by Dr. Jonathan Katz.
2017.10. Qiang was interviewed by WalletHub to comment on Identity Theft.
2017.10. Qiang delivered an invited talk at Security and Privacy Day about Correcting Random Oracle.
2017.9.   The Kleptography and Cliptography bibliography is online.
2017.9.   Qiang's talk about Cliptography at DIMACS Workshop is online.  Video.
2017.9.   Qiang is invited on serving as a program committee member for ACISP 2018
2017.8.   Our Clipto-secure PKE paper was accepted to CCS '17.
2017.6.   Our proposal of "Cliptography:Post-Snowden Cryptography" was accepted to CCS '17 for a 3-hr tutorial.
2017.6.   Qiang was was awarded a DoE STTR grant about blockchain based energy IoT.
2017.6.   Qiang was invited to serve as a program committee member for PKC 2018.
2017.6.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at The International Workshop on Frontiers of CPS and IoT 2017, held at NUAA.
2017.6.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at International Workshop on Cyber Security 2017, held at Wuhan University.
2017.5.   Qiang served as an invited panelist in Youth Forum 2017 of Chinese Association of Cryptologic Research, hosted by CAS.
2017.4.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at the DIMACS/Northeast Big Data Hub Workshop on Privacy and Security for Big Data.
2017.4.   Qiang delivered an invited talk at the Crypto Reading Club, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
2017.2.   Qiang was invited to serve as a program committee member for INSCRYPT 2017
2017.3.   Qiang was hosting Cybersecurity Distinguished Lecture delivered by Dr. Moti Yung.   Video
2017.2.   Qiang was invited to serve as a program committee member for IEEE CNS 2017
2017.2.   Qiang was invited to serve as a program committee member for ESORICS 2017
2017.1.   Qiang was invited to comment on email security   by USA Today
2017.1.   Qiang was invited to serve as a program committee member in Provsec 2017.
2016.12. Qiang delivered an invited talk at the Cryptography Frontier Workshop, held at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science.
2016.12. Qiang delivered an invited talk at the Tsinghua-Cornell Workshop on Security and Cryptography, held at Tsinghua University.
2016.11. Our Cliptography paper was accepted to Asiacrypt '16 and invited to Journal of Cryptology.
2016.9.   Qiang was awarded the NJIT seed grant.
2016.8.   Qiang was invited to serve as a program committee member of Financial Cryptography (FC) 2017.
2016.8.   Qiang joined NJIT as a tenure-track assistant professor.