Qiang Tang

Senior Lecturer
(U.S. Associate Professor)
School of Computer Science
The University of Sydney

Phone: +61 2 9114 2199
Email: qiang.tang (at) sydney.edu.au

qiang's picture

News    Bio    Paper    Awards    Teach    Students    Service   Media    Misc

Currently, I am not actively taking new Ph.D. students, unless, you already have paper at good security/crypto/distributed computing conferences (examples...), then feel free to drop me an email with your CV and paper.


2024.7.   Our anytrust-DKG paper will appear in CCS 2024 , which enables an all-hands checkpointing for PoS with a small constant cost.
2024.6.   Won an ICDCS 24 Distinguished Paper Award.
2024.5.   Host the visit of Prof. Shaanan Cohney from U Melbourne.
2024.4.   Our Dragon paper will appear at PODC 24 , which gave the first sub-cubic DKG/Coin.
2024.4.   Chairing PKC 2024 , with two keynotes from Nadia Heninger and Aggelos Kiayias , and a surprise panel led by Daniele Micciancio .
2024.2.   Host the visit of Prof. Chunming Qiao from SUNY Buffalo.
2024.1.   Research Awards from Stellar and Ethereum Foundations.
More news ...

About Me:

I am currently an Senior Lecturer (equal to U.S Associate Professor), at the School of Computer Science of The University of Sydney.

From 2016.8 -- 2020.1, I was an assistant professor at computer science department of New Jersey Institute of Technology and co-directing the JACOBI Blockchain Lab with JD vice president Prof. Jian Pei , and ISCAS vice chief engineer, Prof. Zhenfeng Zhang. Prior to that, I was a postdoc at Cornell University, My host is Prof.
Elaine Shi.   Before joining Cornell, I received my PhD from the University of Connecticut under the supervision of Prof. Aggelos Kiayias and Prof. Alexander Russell.   A bit more...

Research Interests:

My research interests lie in applied & theoretical cryptography, blockchain technology, privacy and computer security. And it is currently supported by Ethereum Foundaion, Stellar Foundation, Protocol Labs, Algorand Foundation, and USYD.

My research was previously also supported by NSF, JD.com, AFRL, Google, DoE, Protocol Labs, Particl Foundation, and NJIT .

Publications: DBLP, Google Scholar

Selected publications:
  • Blockchain Technology: CCS 15,20,22(a),22(b),24, NDSS 20,22, PODC 20,24, CACM 23 ...

  • Post-Snowden Cryptography: ASIACRYPT 16, CCS 17, CCS 17 Tutorial, CRYPTO 18, PKC 19...

  • Accountability: CCS 13, CCS 15, CRTPYO 21, NDSS 24...

  • Information Theoretic Security: EUROCRYPT 16, TIFS 16, ITC 21..
Complete publication list ..

Honors and Awards:

  • 2023, SOAR Prize, USYD
  • 2023, Oracle for Research Award
  • 2022, Stellar Foundation Research Awards
  • 2022, Ethereum Academic Award
  • 2020, YWCC Research Award, NJIT
  • 2020, Member, Sigma Xi
  • 2019, MIT Technical Review, 35 Chinese Innovators Under 35
  • 2019, Google Faculty Research Award
  • 2016, Asiacrypt Conference Paper Award
  • 2015, Taylor Booth Fellowship


Visitors and Students:

  • Visitors:
  • Postdocs:
      Hanwen Feng
      Zhen-Liang Lu (Co-host with Prof. Vincent Gramoli)
  • Ph.D students:
    • Yanan Li
    • Tian Qiu
    • Yuchen Ye
    • Erin Kenney (NJIT, Co-advised with Prof. Chase Wu)
  • M.Phil. students:
    • Sam Polgar
    • Xinrui Zhang
    • Tianyi Zhang
    • Michael Mai
    • Quanhao Chen
  • Honors students:
    • Jason Dixson
    • Emily Brooks
    • Yuchen Ye
    • Jiang Wu
    • Kangyue Fu
  • Alumni:
    • Long Chen (postdoc from 2018.7 -- 2021.6, now an associate professor at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • Yuan Lu (Ph.D., graduated 2020, now an asssociate professor at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • Keisuke Harada (Master, now Executive Director of SMBC)
    • Kunpeng Wang (visiting professor from Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • Songlin He , now an associate professor at SWJTU.
    • Bo Pang (visiting Ph.D student from Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • Riley Justus Vaughan (Honors, now at USYD Law School)
    • Nhi Nguyen (honors, now UNSW PhD)
    • .....
Complete list ..

Selected Professional Activities:

Complete activitie list ..

Media Coverage:


  • My Erdös number is 3 :-).
         Me → Nikos Leonardos → Michael Saks → Erdös
         Me → Alex Russell → Leonardo J. Schulman → Erdös
         Me → Moti Yung → Naga Alon → Erdös